Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Your Thoughts Determine Your Reality

Your Thoughts Determine Your Reality

By: Kristin Lloyd Moussa

Think Big. Think Small. It’s all up to you. However, whatever you think, you will become. Remember that.

Stated simply, what you think about is what you become. This is not a new phenomenon and many movies have been made and books written on this topic alone. If you have not heard of the movie the Secret, you should definitely watch it. It was also a book by Rhonda Byrne covering the same topic. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It also states that all matter is made up of energy, and what we think about most is what we attract into our existence. So, in essence, thoughts become things. Your thoughts determine your reality. What you think about most is what you bring into your reality.

If you think you are a loser, this is what you will become. If you think you are a winner, this is what you will become.

However, it is more than just thoughts. Your thoughts are a barometer for your emotions and your actions. Whatever you think about will eventually bring about your emotions to that same frequency and then you will act upon your thoughts. So, if you believe you can or cannot do something, you are right.

Many people who are frustrated with their lives may give up on whatever they are pursuing because they may not believe they can succeed. So they don’t. Likewise, a person who believes he can succeed at a specific goal and push for the action behind their thoughts and feelings to get something accomplished. So, while it is about your thoughts it also requires action to back up your thoughts and feelings.

What you believe will influence you as you decide your reality. If you believe you can do something then you can and will do it. You will find a way to put the action behind your beliefs and follow through to achieve whatever it is that you desire to achieve.

 It is a fairly simplistic principle that many people have yet to master. Start by thinking of things that you would like to bring into your existence and then create goals to achieve what it is that you want. Then follow through with an action plan that supports the goals and your ultimate desire. Inspired action will help you to achieve what it is that you want, and feeling good about it will help you to get there.

Feeling bad or thinking negatively will only bring you more negative. So change your mind and change what you think about. Start loving your life today by thinking about things differently, changing your perspective and practicing gratitude.

Changing your thoughts all starts with an initial step to decide that you want to change them. Then start thinking differently. It is really that simple.

Then check in with yourself every few days to see how you are doing. Or track your thoughts on a daily basis to track how often you are thinking positively and attracting what you want into your life. You always have the opportunity to change and it starts with your thoughts.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Increase Your Self-esteem in Five Easy Steps

By: Kristin Lloyd Moussa

Increase your self-esteem in five easy steps

I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. 

Self-esteem can be a big issue for women. We have tons of responsibilities and we are held accountable by others. There are expectations. Sometimes there are expectations that we do not even realize exist. So it is important to evaluate our own expectations and get a clarification of what others expect as well. 

Whether we hold ourselves to a high-standard or not, our self-esteem can be affected by this. Furthermore, our self-esteem is directly affected by our thoughts and what we say to ourselves internally.  

If the repetitive cycle in the mind is "I suck. I can't do anything right. I am a horrible person.", then you will believe this to be true. 
If you have a repetitive cycle that is positive, uplifting, and inspirational, then likewise you will think that of yourself. 

"I am amazing. I am inspiring to others. I am a good role model. I am appreciated by others." 

Sometimes all it takes is a small daily shift in your thinking and self-talk to change your overall self-esteem. Maybe it also requires help from others to recognize your strengths and the great assets you have. 

Are you are funny person? Do you make people laugh? 
Are you a supportive person? Do you always help others?

1. Focus on your strengths.
What are your strengths? Build upon your strengths and acknowledge your greatness.
In essence, stop putting yourself down. You will never be all things to all people, so let that idea go. 

2. Also, let go of perfectionism. When you attempt to be a perfectionist, you hold on to unrealistic expectations. Therefore when they are not met you feel like a failure. Instead, set realistic expectations and meet them. 

3. Love yourself for who you are right now and set strong boundaries. 
Value yourself first. Love who you are in this moment. Don't let others walk on you and don't be afraid to say "no" if it is not in line with your values or does not serve your mission. 

4. Be consistent in all that you do and ask for clarifications on others expectations.
Be consistent is about putting in an honest effort. Also, clarifying expectations allow you to know what is expected of you. Then if these expectations don't meet what you can actually accomplish, then you are able to renegotiate the expectations with the other person. But if you never discuss the expectations and are not consistent, others will not respect you and in turn, you will not respect yourself. 

5. Acknowledge mistakes or failures and bounce back quickly
You will not be the first person or the last person to make mistakes. However, you don't want to beat yourself up over it either. Be kind to yourself and move on. Extract the lesson learned and try harder the next time. Acknowledge the experience, feel the feelings, and then do better. When you continue to criticize yourself, you get stuck. So let go of the mistake or failure and keep trying, keep moving forward. No one is perfect. 

If this helped you, please leave a comment and let us know. How are you raising your self-esteem?
What practices do you prefer to be kinder and nicer to yourself? 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

How Do You Manage Yourself in Time? Your Most Valuable Resource

By: Kristin Lloyd Moussa

Time management is one of the most important topics that people focus on aside from overcoming procrastination. When you manage yourself and your priorities in time, your are able to get more accomplished. Using time management strategies can help you become more productive and stay within your expected deadlines. Changing how you do things will improve your time management and productivity. Planning your time in advance is always a good idea. 

1. Work using the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule. 
This principle states that 20% of your work will yield 80% of your results. So be sure to focus your time on the most important activities and prioritize to get the most necessary activities completed. 

2. Schedule time for prioritized focused activities. 
Scheduling time and having time set aside for productive work is most important so you can get things done. Just like you would set aside time for meetings, set aside time for focused activities. This ensures that your work gets done and doesn't fall by the wayside. 

3. Allow time for interruptions 
Interruptions like phone calls and emails happen. Therefore when expecting it it can be built into your schedule. This enables you to stay on schedule and enough time is built in to account for unexpected activities and interruptions. 

4. Pay attention to your time and beware of time wasters. 
There are a ton of time wasters out there. If you are attentive to how your time is spent then you will be more mindful about using your time to your advantage. So in other words be mindful and aware of how you spend your time. 

Try these four strategies and check in with how your are doing and how this has helped you to manage yourself and activities in time. Time is not the enemy and remember that you always hold the choice to be more productive and make better use of your time. 

Kristin Lloyd is a transformational life and success coach helping people achieve their dreams and live lives filled with personal satisfaction and joy. Kristin holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling, a transformational coaching certificate, and is a Psychology PhD candidate. Kristin has a full-time coaching practice at where she works with clients to help them fine tune their goals and desires; maps out possible paths to help them realize their dreams; and personalizes tools to help them get beyond distractions, hurdle obstacles, and avoid self-sabotage. 

Kristin works with individuals to improve their careers, money mindset, and professional relationships. She guides clients who are seeking physical health and wellness. Many people have turned to her to improve their love lives, catering to both couples and singles – couples who want to take their relationships to heightened levels and singles who seek to manifest their ideal partner. She has clients who are confused about life and their direction, as well as clients who appear to have it all but are struggling to achieve more meaningful goals. Many individuals turn to Kristin because some or all of their lives have been frozen by fear and uncertainty; she gives them the tools to empower themselves and grants them agency by eliminating their fear and self-doubt and building their confidence from within.

Check out her website for more information, coaching packages, freebies, and blog updates. Also, keep up with Transformational Path on Twitter @transformpath.