"The Mind Accepts No Limits But Those You Give It"
By Melissa English
These ominous words which Michael Jordan spoke, "I have failed over and over, and that is why I succeed, " should ring in everyone's ears. All of history's great leaders, all of the best athletes, every inventor and visionary has known the word failure. The question is how do you decide to deal with failure? Do you sit and wallow in the pain and the affliction which has taken you over for the moment? Or do you realize that you are in fact on a journey and that every great, fill in the blank was once a failure?
Part of your daily ritual should not be looking over the failures in your past, but instead looking to the successes of the future. When Thomas Edison was attempting to create stand-alone wireless lighting, he failed over 10,000 times. When Marconi told his friends that he was going to invent a method by which sound waves could be transmitted through the air without wires, his friends and family tried to check him into a mental hospital.
According to Napoleon Hill, "The mind knows no limits but those you give it." Think about that statement for a moment, you are the one who is setting your boundaries and dictating the life you have, and want to have. Any limits you have may have been programmed by your environment, your friends, or your own teaching. However, the positive change you are looking for is merely a matter of teaching the brain a new program. As we know it takes 66 days, according to experts to learn a new habit, it is time to start yesterday.
Who's life are you living? The one you wanted, or someone else's? Remember behind every great success, failure is one step in the path along the way. Luck is an illusion, each success is the product of hard work, sacrifice, and careful planning. Here's to your success and your life's purpose!
-Melissa English
Melissa English is an author, screenwriter, and publisher based in the Los Angeles and Atlanta, GA areas. Follow her on Twitter @englishgirl777.
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