Monday, December 28, 2015

Removing Toxicity From Your Life a Necessity for 2016

Removing Toxicity From Your Life a Necessity for 2016

When you look at your life, how many people do you have in it that you know should not be there? How many people have you forgiven, bailed out, and given a pass for everything that they have done wrong to you? Maybe the more important question is WHY? The really complicated thing about many toxic people is sometimes they are family and friends, sometimes, they are your partner, maybe your spouse. When you look back and you see what people have done to you, what they have cost you, why are they still in your life? You may find that toxic people are hard to let go, but even if you love them, you are better off without, these people in your life. Compassion is something that only goes so far. Compassion goes to the point that others begin to be a burden on your life and suck your dreams, your future, and your chances of making something out of your life.



Saturday, September 12, 2015

Taking Control of Your Life

Taking Control of Your Life

Let's face it, we are all surrounded by toxic people, people who want different things and demand them of us. A few things you need to remember, you are in control here. You are under NO obligation to give anything that you want to anyone else. You have the ability to say no, and the ability to walk away at any moment without providing a further explanation. No one has a leash on you, you are not enslaved, you are not indebted and you are not dead. You have the ability to press the reset button on your life and do with it as you will immediately. You need to ask yourself, why have you not done it?

What is it that you are afraid of? Do you think you need someone's approval to take control of your life and to do what you want? The short answer to this is absolutely not. You are the master of your own destiny, and it is you only, who can put yourself where you want to be. You were not born royalty, no one is going to put a sceptre in your hand and present you with a kingdom. If there is something that you want you need to go for it.

Your life can be everything you want it to be in 5 years. But you must understand that your greatest enemy is looking you in the face, and that person is you. What can you do to get yourself aligned? How fast can you inspire yourself to be able to know where you need to go and what you need to do? The time is now!

Time is of the essence! Make a plan!

Melissa English is an author, screenwriter, and publisher based in the Los Angeles and Atlanta, GA areas. Follow her on Twitter @englishgirl777.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Compassion is an Art Not a Weakness

Compassion is an Art Not a Weakness

By Melissa English

Compassion is one of those things that is something that most people do not have. It can be the smallest thing in the world, from a smile at someone on the bus who is having a bad day, to letting someone get in front of you in line. We are all very busy, we all have things to do and people to see. However, the smallest reach out of human kindness can make a difference in everything that happens to a person in the course of a day or a week. Although something may seem small and insignificant to you, it may mean the world to someone else.

Smile at someone, for no reason other than to see them smile back. Tell a complete stranger a joke, and see if you can make them laugh. Pick up the tab for a complete stranger at a restaurant, and when your day comes, you will be surprised someone will do the same for you. Kindness and compassion those are free, there is no reason that people should not be kind to one another, the world would be a better place. 

You never know what the other person you are speaking to is going through, it may be the death of a family member, a divorce, or any other problem. Whatever it is, it may have left a lingering sadness on their heart. Be tender, be kind, and help others when you can. Kindness, smiles. and a tender heart are all free.

Melissa English is an author and consultant based in Los Angeles and Atlanta, GA.  To find out more about her check out follow her on Twitter @englishgirl777

Friday, March 13, 2015

Living In The Present Moment

By Kristin Lloyd Moussa

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”  - Buddha

 “If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.” – Lao Tzu

One of the hottest topics in the psychology and self-help industry is living in the present, living in the moment, and being in the now. However, as clearly noted in the above quotes this is not a new philosophy or way of thinking. In fact, it was established in Eastern philosophy but has grown in our culture as a result of our cultural preoccupation with the past and the future.
Many people in the world are so focused on the past and the future that they lose sight of the present, which has also been deemed a gift.
All of what occurs in our lives happens in the present. Decisions, thoughts, plans, and actions always take place in the present. Although regret happens in the future (when you regret the past) and dreams happen in the past (when you dream of your future), but every action that takes place is always conducted in the present.
Think about it – when you make the decision to get married or get divorced that is a present moment function. Whether it happens or not takes place in the future, but that thought and that decision always happens at one point in time –which is the present.
When you go out for a run in the morning, or engage in a yoga class, those actions are conducted in a present state of being.
Being in the present is about becoming alive in that moment and becoming mindful of that moment. When you are mindful and fully engaged or fully “present” and engaged in each present moment, there is another level of presence that goes beyond attendance. This heightened awareness allows you to enjoy each moment and engage fully.
There are so many people who are engaged with smart phones and televisions and wishing for either their past or their future because they are not engaged in their present. If engaged in the present, they must be forced to be mindful of their circumstances whatever that may be.
Becoming aware and being present is not a new state of being or some new age philosophy. It is about enjoying your life, or making the necessary changes in order to enjoy your life. It is more about engagement in your own life in avoiding the distractions.
It’s great to wish for something more and to dream for the future, but if you find yourself living in either the past or the future, then you are missing your greatest gift which is that present moment. Then it would be time to take action and experience your present state of being so that you can take action in order to change it.
Not everyone is able to realize that they are missing out on life, and many avoid the present in lieu of the past or the future. Don’t get caught in the cycle of living in the past or the future and instead take control of your future by living in the present. As all the choices and decisions are made in the present, your future is counting on you now to be present so that you are able to make a better tomorrow by being present today.


"The Mind Accepts No Limits But Those You Give It"

"The Mind Accepts No Limits But Those You Give It"

By Melissa English

These ominous words which Michael Jordan spoke, "I have failed over and over, and that is why I succeed, " should ring in everyone's ears. All of history's great leaders, all of the best athletes, every inventor and visionary has known the word failure. The question is how do you decide to deal with failure? Do you sit and wallow in the pain and the affliction which has taken you over for the moment? Or do you realize that you are in fact on a journey and that every great, fill in the blank was once a failure?
Part of your daily ritual should not be looking over the failures in your past, but instead looking to the successes of the future. When Thomas Edison was attempting to create stand-alone wireless lighting, he failed over 10,000 times. When Marconi told his friends that he was going to invent a method by which sound waves could be transmitted through the air without wires, his friends and family tried to check him into a mental hospital.
According to Napoleon Hill, "The mind knows no limits but those you give it." Think about that statement for a moment, you are the one who is setting your boundaries and dictating the life you have, and want to have. Any limits you have may have been programmed by your environment, your friends, or your own teaching. However, the positive change you are looking for is merely a matter of teaching the brain a new program. As we know it takes 66 days, according to experts to learn a new habit, it is time to start yesterday.
Who's life are you living? The one you wanted, or someone else's? Remember behind every great success, failure is one step in the path along the way. Luck is an illusion, each success is the product of hard work, sacrifice, and careful planning. Here's to your success and your life's purpose!
-Melissa English
Melissa English is an author, screenwriter, and publisher based in the Los Angeles and Atlanta, GA areas. Follow her on Twitter @englishgirl777.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Why Failure Is Not an Option!

By Melissa English

Why Failure Is Not an Option!

Failure is never an option.  Imagine how things in our world would be different if people gave up when things got too hard.  Imagine if there were no cars, no vaccines for some of the most deadly diseases in the world.  Thomas Edison was one of the smartest men in the history of the United States, he had over 1,000 patents in his name.  He knew he was going to fail, what he also knew is that if he was able to keep trying over and over again he would eliminate all of the ways that did not work and instead would find the way that did.

Failure is something that every human being needs to get used to experiencing over and over again.  However, the main question is, how do you react to that you get up and redouble your efforts?  Or do you fall on your face and allow for others to call you out and tell you that they should be able to rule you?

At the end of the day, this is the golden age of opportunity, the virtual world has opened avenues and dreams that even ten years ago seemed like science fiction.  However, you have to realize, no one is going to hand you what you want on a silver platter.  You might as well plan on ending up poor and alone if you are waiting on the lottery, that ship will never come in.  However, you have all you need to write your own ticket to success as well as to the life you have always wanted.  Give up on allowing others to dictate what you should be doing and realize that you have the life you have settled for.  If you want to change it, it is up to you.  Failure is never an option!  Only finding a new way to live your life and taking the right steps to end mediocrity.

Scarcity is the illusion of the media.  You have the ability to create new revenue streams and live the life you envision.  It is up to you to simply take the bull by the horns and make it happen.  This is your time, your day, don't waste it.  If people do not see your vision and call you crazy, get rid of them, they do not have the ability to think and see the big picture.

Imagine a world without those willing to take risks: without all of the innovators who have redefined reality and history!  The world would be a very different and one-dimensional place.  What list do you want to be on?  Do you want to be on the innovator or the mediocre list?  As Robin Sharma says, "Non expressed potential will become pain later in life," it will also be regret!  Live each day as if it were your last!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Your Thoughts Determine Your Reality

Your Thoughts Determine Your Reality

By: Kristin Lloyd Moussa

Think Big. Think Small. It’s all up to you. However, whatever you think, you will become. Remember that.

Stated simply, what you think about is what you become. This is not a new phenomenon and many movies have been made and books written on this topic alone. If you have not heard of the movie the Secret, you should definitely watch it. It was also a book by Rhonda Byrne covering the same topic. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It also states that all matter is made up of energy, and what we think about most is what we attract into our existence. So, in essence, thoughts become things. Your thoughts determine your reality. What you think about most is what you bring into your reality.

If you think you are a loser, this is what you will become. If you think you are a winner, this is what you will become.

However, it is more than just thoughts. Your thoughts are a barometer for your emotions and your actions. Whatever you think about will eventually bring about your emotions to that same frequency and then you will act upon your thoughts. So, if you believe you can or cannot do something, you are right.

Many people who are frustrated with their lives may give up on whatever they are pursuing because they may not believe they can succeed. So they don’t. Likewise, a person who believes he can succeed at a specific goal and push for the action behind their thoughts and feelings to get something accomplished. So, while it is about your thoughts it also requires action to back up your thoughts and feelings.

What you believe will influence you as you decide your reality. If you believe you can do something then you can and will do it. You will find a way to put the action behind your beliefs and follow through to achieve whatever it is that you desire to achieve.

 It is a fairly simplistic principle that many people have yet to master. Start by thinking of things that you would like to bring into your existence and then create goals to achieve what it is that you want. Then follow through with an action plan that supports the goals and your ultimate desire. Inspired action will help you to achieve what it is that you want, and feeling good about it will help you to get there.

Feeling bad or thinking negatively will only bring you more negative. So change your mind and change what you think about. Start loving your life today by thinking about things differently, changing your perspective and practicing gratitude.

Changing your thoughts all starts with an initial step to decide that you want to change them. Then start thinking differently. It is really that simple.

Then check in with yourself every few days to see how you are doing. Or track your thoughts on a daily basis to track how often you are thinking positively and attracting what you want into your life. You always have the opportunity to change and it starts with your thoughts.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Increase Your Self-esteem in Five Easy Steps

By: Kristin Lloyd Moussa

Increase your self-esteem in five easy steps

I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. 

Self-esteem can be a big issue for women. We have tons of responsibilities and we are held accountable by others. There are expectations. Sometimes there are expectations that we do not even realize exist. So it is important to evaluate our own expectations and get a clarification of what others expect as well. 

Whether we hold ourselves to a high-standard or not, our self-esteem can be affected by this. Furthermore, our self-esteem is directly affected by our thoughts and what we say to ourselves internally.  

If the repetitive cycle in the mind is "I suck. I can't do anything right. I am a horrible person.", then you will believe this to be true. 
If you have a repetitive cycle that is positive, uplifting, and inspirational, then likewise you will think that of yourself. 

"I am amazing. I am inspiring to others. I am a good role model. I am appreciated by others." 

Sometimes all it takes is a small daily shift in your thinking and self-talk to change your overall self-esteem. Maybe it also requires help from others to recognize your strengths and the great assets you have. 

Are you are funny person? Do you make people laugh? 
Are you a supportive person? Do you always help others?

1. Focus on your strengths.
What are your strengths? Build upon your strengths and acknowledge your greatness.
In essence, stop putting yourself down. You will never be all things to all people, so let that idea go. 

2. Also, let go of perfectionism. When you attempt to be a perfectionist, you hold on to unrealistic expectations. Therefore when they are not met you feel like a failure. Instead, set realistic expectations and meet them. 

3. Love yourself for who you are right now and set strong boundaries. 
Value yourself first. Love who you are in this moment. Don't let others walk on you and don't be afraid to say "no" if it is not in line with your values or does not serve your mission. 

4. Be consistent in all that you do and ask for clarifications on others expectations.
Be consistent is about putting in an honest effort. Also, clarifying expectations allow you to know what is expected of you. Then if these expectations don't meet what you can actually accomplish, then you are able to renegotiate the expectations with the other person. But if you never discuss the expectations and are not consistent, others will not respect you and in turn, you will not respect yourself. 

5. Acknowledge mistakes or failures and bounce back quickly
You will not be the first person or the last person to make mistakes. However, you don't want to beat yourself up over it either. Be kind to yourself and move on. Extract the lesson learned and try harder the next time. Acknowledge the experience, feel the feelings, and then do better. When you continue to criticize yourself, you get stuck. So let go of the mistake or failure and keep trying, keep moving forward. No one is perfect. 

If this helped you, please leave a comment and let us know. How are you raising your self-esteem?
What practices do you prefer to be kinder and nicer to yourself? 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

How Do You Manage Yourself in Time? Your Most Valuable Resource

By: Kristin Lloyd Moussa

Time management is one of the most important topics that people focus on aside from overcoming procrastination. When you manage yourself and your priorities in time, your are able to get more accomplished. Using time management strategies can help you become more productive and stay within your expected deadlines. Changing how you do things will improve your time management and productivity. Planning your time in advance is always a good idea. 

1. Work using the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule. 
This principle states that 20% of your work will yield 80% of your results. So be sure to focus your time on the most important activities and prioritize to get the most necessary activities completed. 

2. Schedule time for prioritized focused activities. 
Scheduling time and having time set aside for productive work is most important so you can get things done. Just like you would set aside time for meetings, set aside time for focused activities. This ensures that your work gets done and doesn't fall by the wayside. 

3. Allow time for interruptions 
Interruptions like phone calls and emails happen. Therefore when expecting it it can be built into your schedule. This enables you to stay on schedule and enough time is built in to account for unexpected activities and interruptions. 

4. Pay attention to your time and beware of time wasters. 
There are a ton of time wasters out there. If you are attentive to how your time is spent then you will be more mindful about using your time to your advantage. So in other words be mindful and aware of how you spend your time. 

Try these four strategies and check in with how your are doing and how this has helped you to manage yourself and activities in time. Time is not the enemy and remember that you always hold the choice to be more productive and make better use of your time. 

Kristin Lloyd is a transformational life and success coach helping people achieve their dreams and live lives filled with personal satisfaction and joy. Kristin holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling, a transformational coaching certificate, and is a Psychology PhD candidate. Kristin has a full-time coaching practice at where she works with clients to help them fine tune their goals and desires; maps out possible paths to help them realize their dreams; and personalizes tools to help them get beyond distractions, hurdle obstacles, and avoid self-sabotage. 

Kristin works with individuals to improve their careers, money mindset, and professional relationships. She guides clients who are seeking physical health and wellness. Many people have turned to her to improve their love lives, catering to both couples and singles – couples who want to take their relationships to heightened levels and singles who seek to manifest their ideal partner. She has clients who are confused about life and their direction, as well as clients who appear to have it all but are struggling to achieve more meaningful goals. Many individuals turn to Kristin because some or all of their lives have been frozen by fear and uncertainty; she gives them the tools to empower themselves and grants them agency by eliminating their fear and self-doubt and building their confidence from within.

Check out her website for more information, coaching packages, freebies, and blog updates. Also, keep up with Transformational Path on Twitter @transformpath.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Top Ten Wealthiest Billionaires

Money is a tool, some people are like magnets and just know how to acquire it, to say the least, there are many things that you can do to make yourself a student in this art.  One of the best ways to start is by learning at the feet of many of the masters.  Here are the top 10 wealthiest billionaires and the way they got that way!

1. Bill Gates

Bill Gates real name is William Henry Gates III. He is the wealthiest billionaire in the world. He is the co-founder of Microsoft. While at Microsoft Gates was CEO and chief software architect. His last full-time day at Microsoft was June 27, 2008. In February 2014 he stepped down as chairman at Microsoft. Gates has authored and co-authored books. He was made an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) by Queen Elizabeth II in 2005. 

2. Carlos Slim

Carlos Slim was born on January 28, 1940. He is the chairperson and chief executive of telecom. The companies’ names are Telemex and America Movil. His entire net worth is $72.6 billion making him the second wealthiest billionaire in the world. He is the Vice President of The Mexican Stock Exchange. He was the first president of the Latin-American Committee of the New York Stock Exchange.

3. Warren Edward Buffett
Warren Buffett was born on August 30, 1930. He earned a Master of Science in economics at the University of Nebraska. He is the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. His net worth is $73.8 billion. This makes him the third wealthiest billionaire in the world. He gives ninety-nine percent of his fortune to philanthropic causes mostly the Gates Foundation.

4. Amancio Ortega

Amancio Ortega was born on March 28, 1936. He is a Spanish fashion executive and the founding chairman of the Inditex fashion. His net worth is $64 billion making him the fourth wealthiest billionaire in the world. He is known for his chain called Zara Clothing and Accessory Retail Stores. He lives in an apartment with his second wife located in Galicia, Spain.

5. Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison was born on August 17, 1944. He is the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of Oracle Corporation. His net worth is $53.6 billion making him the fifth wealthiest billionaire in the world. Ellison is a licensed aircraft pilot and owns two of his own military jets.

 6. Sam Walton

Sam Walton’s Children Christy, Jim, and Alice Walton all have inherited a part of the Wal-Mart fortune. Sam Walton founded Wal-Mart in Bentonville, Arkansas in 1962. Wal-Mart is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department and warehouse stores. There are over 11,000 stores in 27 different countries. Wal-Mart is under 71 different brand names. The retail warehouse stores all called Sam’s Club Retail Warehouse Stores. The Wal-Mart net worth is over $476.294 billion. The Wal-Mart fortune was passed down to Sam Walton’s children including his daughter in law Christy Walton.

7. The Koch Brothers

Charles and David Koch are co-owners of Koch industries. David Koch was born May 3, 1940. He is the vice president of Koch Industries. He is a survivor of USA flight 1493 crash in 1991. His net worth is $36 billion. He lives in Manhattan, New York. Charles Koch was born November 1, 1935. Along with his brother he inherited the company from father, Fred C. Koch then expanded it. His net worth is $41.6 billion. He resides in Wichita, Kansas.


8.Lilian Bettencourt

Liliane Bettencourt was born in Paris, France. She was the only child of Louise Madeleine Berthe and Eugène Schueller. Her parents were the founders of L'Oréal, one of the world's largest beauty and cosmetic companies. Unfortunately, her mother died in 1927. She was only 5 years old because of this she had formed a really close bond with her father. Later on he married Liliane's British governess. When she was 15 she joined her father's company as an apprentice. Her duties included mixing the cosmetics and labeling bottles. She married a French politician named Andre Bettencourt in 1950. He served as a cabinet minister in French governments of the 1960s and 1970s. He then became a deputy chairman of L'Oréal. He had been a member of La Cagoule. He was labeled a violent French fascist group that Liliane's father had funded and supported in the 1930s and that collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.

9. Michael Bloomberg

Michael Rubens Bloomberg was born February 14, 1942 and is an American business magnate, politician, and philanthropist. He was the 108th Mayor of New York City. He has a net worth of $36.5 billion. He is the founder and CEO of Bloomberg L.P. He began his career at the securities brokerage Salomon Brothers. He then formed his own company in 1981. He spent twenty years as the chairman and CEO. He was also chairman of the board of trustees at his alma mater Johns Hopkins University.

10. Li Ka-shing

Li Ka-shing was born 29 July 1928 in Chaozhou, China. He is a Hong Kong business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He has a net worth of $31.9 billion. Chairman of the Board of Hutchison Whampoa Limited and Cheung Kong Holdings as of 2008; through them, he is the world's largest operator of container terminals and the world's largest health and beauty retailer. His father died before he was 15 and he was forced to leave school. He then found a job in a plastics trading company. He worked 16 hours a day. By 1950 started his own company, Cheung.

Facebook and Its Effect on Body Image: The Cons

Facebook and Its Effect on Body Image

Facebook is everyone’s favorite location to hang out these days and speak to family and friends.  It has become the new in way to keep in contact with each other and it is a way that everyone can be expected to keep using for many years to come.  It is an easy platform, and a great way to be able to catch up and follow what is going on with friends and family.  In addition to that everyone constantly posts photos of themselves and a part of that is the fact that we are seeing our lives in real time.  As that happens however, there are many people who are posting photos which are not them.
Many people have created fake profiles with fake photos to show that they are beautiful and stunning in photos.  People are afraid to post photos of who they are and what they look like in real life.  What that really means is that many are ashamed of who they are and also of what they look like.  The sad thing about that is that there are many people who are carrying on relationships with those that they have met online and have no idea who they are truly speaking with.  Sadly this has become so much of a phenomena recently that there is an entire show on MTV dedicated to this specific issue.  That is that people are not aware of who they are seeing and they are falling in love with the virtual personas of others.
Now more so than ever, in the constant world of photos we are seeing the younger generation begin to post photos of themselves which are scantily clad or inappropriate for others to see.  Many younger girls since the age of the selfie have begun to have surgery at a younger and younger age, they are in fact starting at the age of 16 and many are doing it with parental approval.  How is it even possible that many teens think that they need to alter themselves at such an age?
All you have to do to know that this is an issue is to open Facebook and look at any of the celebrity photos which are there and you will see that they are holding our youth to a very impossible standard.  Each celebrity may have been airbrushed, in addition to that they also have probably had quite a bit of plastic surgery.  It is impossible for normal people, unless they have a huge slush fund for plastic surgery, to keep up with the Kardashians of the world.  When you stop and think about it however, it is very clear that those same stars are paid to look the way that they do.  It is a business for promotion, branding, placement, and other items.  That means that they would not look that way if they did not have to.  Many magazines have done exposes on the celebrities to see what they would look like without the aid of surgery and constant maintenance, to say the least they would all look like normal people.

When you log into Facebook and you see an impossible bikini photo or something else like that, remember, you may actually have bumped into someone who has stolen someone else’s photos.  As the saying goes, beauty is only skin deep and it fades.  If you value what is on the inside, you will keep it for life.

The Age of The Selfie: Redefining Beauty With Facebook: The Pros of Image for Money

Sometimes there is something to be said for ghostwriting, it can be tons of fun.  Sometimes however you are asked to do an assignment you do not know how you feel about.  I was asked to do one about plastic surgery, and why people should have it to improve their self-worth.  That being said, I crafted two versions of the article.  Here are the pros of plastic surgery.

The Age of The Selfie: Redefining Beauty With Facebook
This is the age of the selfie, it has become a phenomena and the world recognizes it. Now that over 1.35 billion people are on Facebook, the population of the social media platform rivals that of China.  It is quite rapidly becoming the easiest way to communicate as well as to keep up with family and friends.  However, Facebook is becoming more than just a social media tool; it is becoming the predominant way that the world looks at you.  According to a recent survey by Forbes, 6 out of 7 Americans are more likely to look at a Facebook wall than to look at a website. 
The Platform:
The attraction is the user-friendliness of the interface and the ability to communicate with everyone all over the world in a moment.  What that also translates to is the fact that everyone will be looking at your social media, that means your friends, your potential employers, and others will see your wall and will know it is a reflection of your life and your brand.  Enter the selfie ;a selfie is a photo of yourself from a flattering angle that makes you look amazing.
When you are going to be in a photo, since the world will be seeing it, you want to make sure that you are treating the photo with the seriousness that you would want in a professional head shot.  Considering that people who are better looking have higher earnings as well as move up the corporate ladder more quickly, you need to look the part in every Facebook photo.  Have you ever thought about changing your nose, maybe enhancing your bust, or removing some of the years of wear?  By improving yourself, you will be able to improve your long term well-being and your bottom line.  People who are more attractive are paid higher wages, experience more success, and often have higher self-confidence. 
The Economics of Beauty
According to the Business Insider, attractive people make an average of 12% more than their unattractive counterparts.  Now that you know that it is a matter of long term return, it makes sense to invest in the enhancements you have been craving.  Facebook as a platform has revolutionized the need to look good all of the time, and the need for those enhancements.  Every year according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 14.6 million people undergo the process and come out with a new lease on life.
When you consider that the average person has one thing that is bothering them, maybe holding them back from being their most confident version of themselves, how can it not be justified.  Plastic surgery is the solution to keeping up with the Kardashians, the Jones are not even on the same block anymore.  When someone looks at your photos and the way you present yourself, they have made their impression of you in 5 seconds or less.  If someone’s introduction to you is on a Facebook page, shouldn’t it be spectacular?

What effect do you think Facebook and other social media platforms are having on us?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Top Ten Places You Must Go Before You Die

The Top Ten Places to Go Before You Die

We all have a bucket list!  Here are the top 10 places you must visit before you die.  This list could be much longer, however, these are the top 10 only.  Pack your bags and go now....your wanderlust is calling you!

1. Paris


Paris is the capital city of France. It has a reputation for being full of art, culture, fashion, history, architecture and great food. It has been called the City of Light, City of Love and Capital of Fashion. Paris is an energetic city where beauty is all over its curvy streets. This city is booming with famous attractions as well. Paris' admirers are usually very cultured and creative and they fit right in this glamorous and romantic city.

2. London

London has something for everyone to enjoy. History oriented tourists who have the desire to learn more on the British narrative will enjoy the Tower of London and the Imperial War Museum. Artists or theater fans can visit the National Gallery and Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. People who have a love for the monarchy would really enjoy Buckingham Palace. England is known for being an expensive place, but there are even things to do for people who can’t afford much or just those who don’t want to spend much.

3. Barcelona

Park Guell

Barcelona has the most unique and inspiring architecture that could be found in the world. A long and informational tour of the city's parks, museums and churches would be important. Gaudí's Casa Batlló, La Sagrada Familia and Parc Güell is a great place to be able to say that a person has witnessed in its beauty. There is always a beautiful view of the Mediterranean not far from many places. For people that love the nightlife, there is always the fun that could be had at Las Ramblas.

4. Maui

Maui can cover just about every interest that someone could ever think of. Athletic thrill seekers can hike the dormant Haleakala volcano. Travelers can also relax and get some sun on one of many different beaches. Sports nuts could always give it a whirl at one of Maui's 14 golf courses. For people, who enjoy other things, there is always the history and culture at sites like Iao Valley State Park, Banyan Tree Park and the Old Lahaina Luau. The Maui Ocean Center is a perfect place for families to visit and have a great time.

5. New York City

The city's tall skyscrapers and monuments are not the only great thing there is also its flourishing arts, food, fashion and nightlife scenes. Browsing Fifth Avenue's awesome stores can definitely fulfill the shopper’s thrills. The city’s views from the Top of the Rock Observation Deck would be a once in a lifetime scene to witness. For an artist, there is always a chance to admire the stunning and some historical artwork at the Met and the Guggenheim. There is tasteful food Chinatown or Little Italy that almost anyone would enjoy. Award-winning Broadway shows would also be something great to see. For the nightlife lover rooftop bars and jazz clubs illuminating the Meatpacking District would be a huge blast.

6. San Francisco

San Francisco is only 7 miles long and yet it is still full of a variety of activities that please nature lovers, food addicts and other tourists of all ages. The Golden Gate Bridge is a gorgeous and famous sight to see. Alcatraz Island has a bit of history and to tour the now closed federal prison should be one of the first things visitors are going to want to do. Spending some time at the Fisherman's Wharf would be a blast. Discovering an authentic part of San Francisco would be taking a walk through the diverse Mission District or the lively Castro. Tourists can also climb to the top of Twin Peaks. Browsing through Golden Gate Park would give someone just a wonderful relaxing time.

7. Puerto Rico

Attractions here fit with the adventurous on looker with the underground caves of Río Camuy Cave Park. The history nut would like the 500-year old walls of the El Morro fort. There are so many various options for the adventurous or a person who loves history. For those who enjoy the beach the western beaches of Rincón are great for sunbathing and surfing. Snorkeling are bound to be an awesome activity in Vieques' bioluminescent Mosquito Bay. Of course, there is the option of the dynamic nightlife in San Juan.

8. Sydney

Bondi and Coogee are the most favorite beach scenes. For the moments that are desired for gazing, climbing, walking the Sydney Harbour Bridge would be just the ideal place. For a great neighborhood to stroll in the Rocks and Darling Harbour would be a relaxing enjoyable place. Seeing the Sydney Aquarium is very educational and fun. The flowers at the Royal Botanic Gardens are other popular pastimes to be had. Keep in mind Sydney offers so much more as well.

9. Rio de Janeiro

Rio is famous for visitors there to savor a chilled coconut with great reviews from tasters. Copacabana or Ipanema's has a gorgeous beach scene for those interested in the greatest beaches relaxation spots. Rio also has catwalks, other beaches, wonderful 360-degree views from Sugar Loaf and Corcovado or even romantic samba hot-spots in Lapa. The possibilities here are endless.

10. Bora Bora

A Bora Bora vacation is a relaxing one. This island may be small, but it offers a large number of ways to achieve that relaxation. Renewing on the deck of an overwater bungalow. It is possible to let off some steam in the luminous lagoon surrounding Bora Bora. There is biking around the island at a comfortable speed. To burn some energy visiting the underwater life at the Bora Bora Lagoonarium and the Coral Gardens would be perfect. To experience the local culture, there is a chance to stroll around Vaitape. Mount Otemanu is a wonderful place to either photograph or just gaze upon.

I hope you are packed!  Stay tuned for travel, life tips, and transformational content.

Melissa English is an author and consultant based in Los Angeles and Atlanta, GA.  To find out more about her check out follow her on Twitter @englishgirl777