Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Age of The Selfie: Redefining Beauty With Facebook: The Pros of Image for Money

Sometimes there is something to be said for ghostwriting, it can be tons of fun.  Sometimes however you are asked to do an assignment you do not know how you feel about.  I was asked to do one about plastic surgery, and why people should have it to improve their self-worth.  That being said, I crafted two versions of the article.  Here are the pros of plastic surgery.

The Age of The Selfie: Redefining Beauty With Facebook
This is the age of the selfie, it has become a phenomena and the world recognizes it. Now that over 1.35 billion people are on Facebook, the population of the social media platform rivals that of China.  It is quite rapidly becoming the easiest way to communicate as well as to keep up with family and friends.  However, Facebook is becoming more than just a social media tool; it is becoming the predominant way that the world looks at you.  According to a recent survey by Forbes, 6 out of 7 Americans are more likely to look at a Facebook wall than to look at a website. 
The Platform:
The attraction is the user-friendliness of the interface and the ability to communicate with everyone all over the world in a moment.  What that also translates to is the fact that everyone will be looking at your social media, that means your friends, your potential employers, and others will see your wall and will know it is a reflection of your life and your brand.  Enter the selfie ;a selfie is a photo of yourself from a flattering angle that makes you look amazing.
When you are going to be in a photo, since the world will be seeing it, you want to make sure that you are treating the photo with the seriousness that you would want in a professional head shot.  Considering that people who are better looking have higher earnings as well as move up the corporate ladder more quickly, you need to look the part in every Facebook photo.  Have you ever thought about changing your nose, maybe enhancing your bust, or removing some of the years of wear?  By improving yourself, you will be able to improve your long term well-being and your bottom line.  People who are more attractive are paid higher wages, experience more success, and often have higher self-confidence. 
The Economics of Beauty
According to the Business Insider, attractive people make an average of 12% more than their unattractive counterparts.  Now that you know that it is a matter of long term return, it makes sense to invest in the enhancements you have been craving.  Facebook as a platform has revolutionized the need to look good all of the time, and the need for those enhancements.  Every year according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 14.6 million people undergo the process and come out with a new lease on life.
When you consider that the average person has one thing that is bothering them, maybe holding them back from being their most confident version of themselves, how can it not be justified.  Plastic surgery is the solution to keeping up with the Kardashians, the Jones are not even on the same block anymore.  When someone looks at your photos and the way you present yourself, they have made their impression of you in 5 seconds or less.  If someone’s introduction to you is on a Facebook page, shouldn’t it be spectacular?

What effect do you think Facebook and other social media platforms are having on us?

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