Monday, January 26, 2015

Dog ate your homework? Procrastinating again? Five Tips to Break the Procrastination Cycle

Dog ate your homework? Procrastinating again? Five Tips to Break the Procrastination Cycle

Late again? The deadline has passed and you are full of excuses and the work isn't done. Your boss is breathing down your neck and you are overwhelmed. What's next? What is on the line?

Or maybe it's not work. Maybe you procrastinate on your own projects. Maybe you procrastinate on cleaning the house, or doing something else you do not want to do. 

Here are FIVE quick tips to overcome procrastination and get it done fast.

1. Stop thinking about it and just do it.
When you overthink and overanalyze, you have the opportunity to talk yourself out of doing things. Also, you end up wasting so much time with the process of thinking and analyzing. So step out on a limb and just do it. You'll thank yourself later and will be much more productive. 

2. For big projects, break it up into smaller do-able pieces.
The land of overwhelm is when you get caught up in how big the overall project is and how long it will take you to do it. Okay, so break it up into steps, portions, pieces, or sessions and knock it out. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither are big projects, so do it in baby steps and knock it out. 

3. Schedule your time and stick to it.
If you are flopping like a fish, nothing will get done. So schedule blocks of time and turn off your phone. Blocks of time enable you to focus on the tasks at hand and your productivity will go up and procrastination will be a thing of the past. Don't have an hour? Schedule 15-minutes and do all that you can in that time. The only thing holding you back is what is in your mind. Just do it.

4. Get off social media, turn off the television and stop screwing around!
The biggest time wasters are TV and social media. Why? Because you end up spending countless hours reading posts that have nothing to do with what you need to be doing. So stop it, right now! Focus on your project and turn off the notifications on your phone and on your computer. Again, you'll thank yourself when your productivity skyrockets. 

5. Schedule and take small breaks in between projects and give yourself 15-minutes every 2-3 hours to refresh, get a cup of tea, water or to use the bathroom. 
Taking a break between projects and sessions is a good because you get away from the computer and you can relax your mind. Get a cup of water, or some tea and let go of the project in your "off" time. Then when you come back to it, you'll be recharged and ready to work. Work time is work time and break time is break time, don't confuse the two. Also, take your scheduled breaks, you'll need them. When you don't take breaks, you could get overwhelmed or burned out, so take your breaks and then get back to work. 

All in all, you can do it and get more done. Focus your mind and let go of procrastination for good. You have it in you, just bit the bullet and get it done.

 Kristin Lloyd is a transformational life and success coach helping people achieve their dreams and live lives filled with personal satisfaction and joy. Kristin holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling, a transformational coaching certificate, and is a Psychology PhD candidate. Kristin has a full-time coaching practice at where she works with clients to help them fine tune their goals and desires; maps out possible paths to help them realize their dreams; and personalizes tools to help them get beyond distractions, hurdle obstacles, and avoid self-sabotage. 

Kristin works with individuals to improve their careers, money mindset, and professional relationships. She guides clients who are seeking physical health and wellness. Many people have turned to her to improve their love lives, catering to both couples and singles – couples who want to take their relationships to heightened levels and singles who seek to manifest their ideal partner. She has clients who are confused about life and their direction, as well as clients who appear to have it all but are struggling to achieve more meaningful goals. Many individuals turn to Kristin because some or all of their lives have been frozen by fear and uncertainty; she gives them the tools to empower themselves and grants them agency by eliminating their fear and self-doubt and building their confidence from within. 

Check out her website for more information, coaching packages, freebies, and blog updates. Also, keep up with Transformational Path on Twitter @transformpath.

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